Monday 1 June 2009

What lies beneath?

LOL! dons its snorkel and flippers to explore the vast watery expanse that is Open Life Ocean.

Nestled between Open Life and Open Life Village is the tranquil-looking Open Life Ocean. With the sun reflecting off its clear blue waters and the sandy island glistening in the middle, the ocean is as inviting as any place on Open Life. But what exactly is under those calm waters? It’s time to find out!

Armed with a waterproof fun camera a highly-trained underwater reporter (well, me, Eshala) descended into the Open Life Ocean to see what she could see, see, see. After swimming around aimlessly for a few moments my eye came upon a fearsome looking shark. There had been reports of unfortunate residents being attacked by bloodthirsty creatures in the ocean so I wasn’t keen on getting close. After bravely swimming a little bit closer to take a snapshot I retreated to a safe distance to watch the shark circle round and round in almost mesmeric fashion. Many other fish, eels and stingrays passed by but I was most taken by the appearance of our old friend Olivia! For those who don’t know Olivia is our resident octopus. As she glided by I’m sure she smiled, though it may just have been a spot of wind.

Further exploration of the ocean revealed a couple of shipwrecks and sunken submarines along with the usual ocean bed junk of discarded anchors, oil barrels and shopping trolleys. The seabed itself has a wealth of coral and plant life living on it which makes for a very pleasant landscape. After taking a couple more snapshots I surfaced and made my way to the sandy island in the middle of the ocean to relax on the warm, soft sand and look out over our marvellous water.

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