Monday 1 June 2009

View from the allotments

Open Life regular Leornian Naidoo gives us her thoughts on life down on the allotments.

The OLIVe Gardens

The date is May, 10, 2009, and I (Roving Reporter – Leornian Naidoo) am standing at the entrance to the OLiVe allotments.

Located on the southwest corner of Open Life Village, the allotments offer residents a different experience of 'Home' feeling on the Island.

Sheltered by the Village shop from the East and by the Exhibition Hall from the south, this charming patch of allotments looks out over the spectacular ocean to the west. The views and sunsets there are amazing.

The allotments are one more unique way for OU students and staff to express their individual and unique preferences and building talents in the Virtual Learning, and if I may be so bold – ‘Living’ Environment. This “VL/LE”, (and you may quote me on this because I just coined the phrase) is just ‘one’ of the many attractions available for your enjoyment as you live and learn on OLIVe.

Speaking from personal experience, (you may find me at Allotment No. 1) I find my allotment to be a special place where I come to relax during the day, sit up on my arbour and enjoy the view while listening to the waves as they slap against the nearby shore. It’s a lovely place for a chat with friends and even the occasional newbie stopping by to admire the view.

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