Monday 1 June 2009

New beginnings

The opening of the new village gives residents a place they can call home.

After weeks of standing at the sim border between Open Life and Open Life Ocean gazing wistfully towards the “under construction” signs surrounding the new village, residents were finally able to set foot on OLiVe at 8pm and survey their new surroundings.

To celebrate the event an Easter-themed party was held on the village green with our regular OU party night DJ Quentin Calvert providing the music from 8.30pm. A treasure hunt and a fancy dress competition added to the fun. The treasure hunt provided us with lots of new things to add to our already-bulging inventories while the fancy dress competition was jointly won by a couple of cute Easter bunnies and a bemused tiger cub!

On landing on the new village the first thing many residents did was excitedly dash round the island trying to look at everything at once and wondering which of the pretty houses was going to be theirs. Thanks to the efforts of the village designers/builders there were plenty of things to see and places to explore.

One of the most exciting parts of the evening came when the boards informing residents of their OLiVe addresses were displayed. Amid cries of “Which way is Lower Lag Street?” and “Anyone know where OLiVe Green is?” those lucky enough to be allocated a house went off in search of their new homes. Later in the evening residents were able to ‘buy’ their land and officially claim their home.

The music and dancing continued long into the night until one by one people headed off safe in the knowledge that after being homeless for so long following the demise of our previous base we all now have a place we can call home.

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