Thursday 1 October 2009

Surf’s up

LOL! donned its boardies and headed for the beach for OLiVe’s first ever summer activities day.

On a bright and sunny Saturday in August one of the best places to spend the day has got to be the beach - even if it is virtual! So that’s exactly what residents did on August 15th as the Open Life islands hosted a day of fun in the sun.

For those up and about early a champagne breakfast was served on the magnificent HMS Primafore berthed in the harbour. On a number of occasions the cry of ‘avatar overboard’ was heard as the champagne kicked in but everyone seemed to find their way back onboard for more.

After having a tour of the HMS Primafore it was time to take to the water. Still full up on champagne LOL! decided to sit back and take it easy with a leisurely trip on the African Queen. This beautiful vessel took us round Open Life ocean allowing us to relax and enjoy the tranquil beauty of the ocean.

Once back on the beach at OLiVe an array of wacky ways to navigate the ocean were found. First up we found the octopus and took her for a trip out; next we hopped aboard a seahorse (as you do); an eel provided us with a way to slither through the sea; and finally, our personal favourite - a turtle. Where else but SL can you honestly say you sailed round the ocean on a turtle eh?!?

Once we had been round the ocean a number of times on the various creatures we decided to do a spot of sunbathing. This did not last long however as we spotted......surfboards! Having no sense of balance in real life surfing is one of the last things we would attempt but in SL anything’s possible so we grabbed a board and paddled out to sea. The waves were perfect for surfing and after a few gentle rides through the waves we even decided to try a few tricks - not always successfully I might add.

No sooner had we put our surfboard down than we were out in the ocean again - this time windsurfing. Amazingly we didn’t fall off despite colliding with the little island in the middle of the ocean at one point. Filled with confidence from our surfing escapades we next decided to get ourselves a jetski and race round the ocean. Thankfully no-one else was in the ocean at the time else there may have been a few injuries. For our final trip we headed under the ocean in the automated submarine. This was one of the most relaxing trips of the day as we simply sat back and let the sub take us round the ocean while we admired the fish and flora.

After another spot of sunbathing and sitting in the beach huts we found the energy for a game of volleyball. After a few false starts and cries of ‘has anyone got the ball?’ and ‘why do I keep hitting fresh air?’ we got the hang of it and managed to have a good game. We did however have a headache from being hit on the head with the ball during those early ‘what on earth is going on’ stages. Despite our best efforts we were defeated in the volleyball game although as we all know it is the taking part that counts!

As the afternoon turned to evening we reluctantly rolled up our beach towel and trundled off home to get ready for the evening party - but not before we had our picture taken on the event surfboard stand to prove that ‘we were like THERE dude’.

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