Thursday 1 October 2009

Road tests

Some say he can fly in Real Life and that he once de-rezzed a tutor after a bad TMA.
All we know is, he’s got panache...

This month, anonymous avatar Stig Panache test-drives the RaiBoi Skateboard.
Available from:

Cost: Free
Delivery: Immediate
Contents: Skateboard, instruction notecard, landmarks for a Skateboard Park and a store.

The skateboard was very easy to use, and Stig did several laps of a large sandbox without crashing into anyone or anything. According to the instructions, the board does tricks, but when Stig tried this, all that happened was he flew. This happened with both the “trick” keys. Having said this, Stig thought that this was a great fun item especially as it was free, and he would like to see an OLiVe skateboard racing team set up.

Unfortunately, when Stig detached his skateboard, he was stuck in the skating position and animation so had to log out before someone accused him of using the sandbox as a litter tray!
Is there something you would like to see Stig test-drive in a future issue of LOL!?
IM Stig Panache with details of the item and where to find it.

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