Thursday 1 October 2009

Grease is the word

Tori Landau tells us about the latest themed party night.

Saturday 5th September saw the village green transformed into the beautifully balloon bedecked wooden dance floor of Rydell High. Residents had obviously done their homework as T-Bird jackets, tight black combinations, bright 50’s dresses and hairstyles were de rigueur. Most residents took to dancing immediately at 8pm whilst others decided to observe first from the safety of the benches.

Our delightful DJ, Quentin Calvert, provided music, including Ernie (The fastest milkman in the west), fly dancing moves and narration until 1:30am on Sunday when everyone staggered home, with one in particular still recovering after imbibing a potent brew that Kickaha had distributed. This had resulted in some avatars lurching about and collapsing onto the dance floor much to the amusement, or possibly bemusement, of onlookers.

The movie screen displaying images from Grease assisted residents in voting for the male and female best costume competitions which were won by Jonno Stromfield and Tori Landau with DeeDee Bookmite kindly sponsoring both prizes.

Of the night’s event, Quentin Calvert commented, “The OU crowd always enjoy themselves and like to dress up. Of all the people I’ve DJ’d for, the OU are the best - most fun, pleasant and encompass the true spirit of SL.” Whilst Jonno Stromfield added, “The party was a great success. It’s always nice to catch up with people and bop the night away.”

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