Thursday 1 October 2009

Meet the resident

Each issue we will grab a resident and subject them to the LOL! interrogation.

Step forward our fourth victim, I mean resident......

Avatar name: Jonno Stromfield

Rezzday: 3rd March 2009

Are you a student, tutor or both? Student, but I've applied to be a tutor for S207 this October and I'm told it depends on student numbers. Keeping fingers crossed.

How long have you been with the OU? Since 1989.

Which degree are you aiming for? I have an Open degree and one in Physical Science. Technically I'm about half way through a Maths degree too, but only because I took extra courses in Physics that can be used that way.

Favourite course so far: S357 - Space, Time and Cosmology. The SXR208 astronomy residential school in Mallorca runs it a close second. Shame its going.

What brought you to Second Life? First to see what the OU was doing, but I didn't spend long here. I then came back in June when I found I needed Second Life for work. I work in IT and the current project for Imperial College involves simulating virtual patients in Second Life for doctors to diagnose. The project team is situated in various parts of London so we also hold our planning meetings and message each other in SL.

Favourite part of the Open Life islands: I like the undersea cave, and I love the sunsets from the west shore of the village, but during the day, Jonno can often be found lazing in the recliner at home in OLiVe Green, listening to Megarock Radio, just in case there are urgent instant messages from any of the other team members, while in RL I program away on a separate laptop. Ten years ago they said we would be sitting comfortably at home while our avatars worked in a virtual office. I commute to a real office while my avatar lounges at home. I sometimes wonder who is working whom.

Best memory from your time on Open Life: There have been quite a few; from quiet chats sitting in the allotments to charging round the SIM on the August gem hunt. One that sticks out was when first I jumped off the side of the giant sandbox and parachuted down to the village two SIMs away. That was the day I saw the sign that said that we could apply for a house here.
Favourite SL place away from Open Life: I spend a lot of time in front of the computer at work, so I don't spend as much time relaxing in Second Life as I might; I've hardly scratched the surface of the tens of thousands of SIMs available. I have played a few of the Mad Pea games which are nice to wind down on sometimes. ( - but they are moving soon, so you might need to search )

One piece of advice for newbies: Learn how to switch the music on.

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