Wednesday 1 July 2009

Through the keyhole

LOL! was given exclusive access to the home of one of the residents of Open Life Village.

Here, Hennamono Morpork gives us the lowdown on 1 Walton Bank.

The Comfy Chairs
“Oh no – not the comfy chair!” On entering the house the first thing you will encounter are a collection of comfy chairs and bean bags (“not the soft cushions!”). One of the reasons for having a place of ones own, I think, is to have a place to gather with close friends for a bit of a chat. So this area is set up just for that. Of course, one of the “chairs” is in fact a cat basket – that’s for me!

The Altar
Moving upstairs we come to a Buddhist meditation chamber, complete with bell and incense. I know a lot of people set up a bedroom but I don’t sleep in SL so don’t see the point (besides I do have my kitty basket downstairs!). When times are quiet I will come here to meditate however.

Teleport System
I did have a problem with the teleports in my house – every time I tried to go downstairs I ended up underground instead! However this problem was solved by fitting another relic of my old tower. I think they look better than the defaults too!

Pictures of My Sky Box
Before moving in here my home was a skybox in Jadawin. I decided it didn’t make sense having two homes so I let the skybox go. I had good times there though so it is immortalised though in the pictures that decorate the walls. In fact most of the furnishings that are to be found in the house will be recognisable to those who visited my tower.

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