Wednesday 1 July 2009

Happy snappers

Elsbeth Biedermann tells us about Open Minds first ever exhibition.

22nd May saw the opening of the very first exhibition in Open Minds. With OLiVe only a matter of weeks old (from official opening), I thought what better way than to celebrate it by having OLiVers submit their own snapshots of the island.

So, with the project officially approved by Elsa and Kickaha, I went off to rally up the troops and to gather submissions.

Seeing OLiVe from others’ perspectives was always going to be interesting, and it really lived up to expectation – everything from the beautiful to the absurd was submitted, and a dash of cuteness to top it all off. Photos of the scenery around the island were absolutely wonderful, while an oversized dragon DeeDee in her house with her tail poking out the side wall was among some of the photos that provided the light relief.

I would like to thank Elsa Dickens, Kickaha Wolfenhaut, Commander Quandry, Eshala Tabacznyk, Kira Gilgandra, Arthur Arkwright and Paprika Pevensey for submitting snapshots to this exhibition, and a special thanks to Kickaha for all his behind-the-scenes help. Without you all this would not have been possible.

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