Wednesday 1 July 2009

View from the allotments

Open Life regular Leornian Naidoo gives us her thoughts on life down on the allotments.

Sandcastles and Seagulls By Leornian Naidoo

The date is 17th June 2009, and I am back enjoying my ‘OLiVe Gardens’ allotment during my coffee break. It’s a soothing pastime. The seagulls are calling and the breeze is gently blowing at the Dogwood trees, making them sway in a most inviting way.
The view from the arbour is inspiring to say the least and today its reminding me that I wanted to enhance my experience here in OLiVe by complementing the surroundings with some Botanical back up from ‘RL’.

The idea is to use a photo from a plant in my garden to make a virtual copy that will be in my allotment at the OLiVe gardens. The question is – how? I am counting on assistance from some talented residents at OLiVe. As you can see here at OLIVe, the transfer of knowledge continues although this Island is basically to serve the social and recreational needs of its residents, it also serves to inspire us to original thinking and to sharing with others. It’s a basic give and take that builds the basis for the concept of lifelong learning and the transfer of knowledge.

At OLiVe we are building more than just sandcastles in the air, we are building a community. Check back soon to hear about the beautiful Kohlrabi in the ‘Tale of Textures’ or ‘How to make a virtual Vegetable’.

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