Wednesday 1 July 2009

Meet the resident

Each issue we will grab a resident and subject them to the LOL! interrogation.

Step forward our second victim, I mean resident...

Avatar name: Titiana Haystack

Rezzday: 6th June 2008

Are you a student, tutor or both? Perpetual student

How long have you been with the OU? Since 1976 (on and off)

Which degree are you aiming for? Not sure if I am. I just like studying.

Favourite course so far: A215 (Creative Writing)

What brought you to Second Life? Several of us on the AZX103 course
joined up about the same time.

Favourite part of the Open Life islands: My own little place, but I also
like under the sea and the Giant Sandbox

Favourite SL place away from Open Life: In 2.500 words? In 2.500 words? It used to be a quiet building place -Happy Hippos in Australia so it was often empty when I went there. But a new landlord took over and threw everyone and everything out. However it now has a new home in Kinetix. The place I go to most often is Fermi Sandbox but I've just discovered a really picturesque place for writers. It's at Scotland Inchcruin. Oh heck, I go to lots of places. Can't pick a favourite.

One piece of advice for newbies: Keep your inventory sorted!

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