Monday 3 May 2010

Partying for the Saints

St Patrick’s Day and St George’s Day parties by Tori Landau

17th March and 23rd April were St Patrick’s Day and St George’s Day respectively so as OUtopia’s representative I decided that we needed to learn about and celebrate the special days of Ireland and England (as if OUtopians need an excuse to party).

With the help of Kickaha, Hatshepsut, Kered, Kira , Jonno and Arthur Arkright, decorations and outfits were found, megaprims supplied, levelled and transformed for the dance floors, dance balls given and cunningly disguised, the Irish jig dance transferred to everyone, St George’s flag vendor made and very importantly music supplied via a music url.

On St Patrick’s Day R2D2 became an honorary Irish droid whilst supplying drinks to fairies and leprechauns who had been busy taking chocolate coins from the pot of gold while spinning through the shamrocks. PDunstan and MDunstan engaged in synchronised dancing as a couple but perhaps the Absinthe had effected Kered and Xara as several times Xara was caught on camera giving Kered a kick making me wonder what the usually impeccably behaved Kered had done. To the sound of Riverdance belting across the dance floor, harmony was restored as couples and singles alike joined in a group jig on the gold floor. Of the evening’s shenanigans, Elsbeth Biedermann commented, “"it was a fantastic party, and we all had a wonderful time, to be sure, to be sure ;-)".

On St George’s day, 3 avatars met on the green for a chat at 5pm and then the idea of a party was raised (talk about last minute) but with the wonders of modern communication contact was made with a good number of people and lots of fun had. Oddly enough dragons and knights were popular attire although the dragons veered on the side of caution and not only wore armour but air danced to avoid Sir Rocky’s swinging sword. For the first time ever that your reporter can remember she found herself wearing the exact same outfit as a guy (Prash) although I quickly managed to find shiny boots and belt. Several ladies (Xara and Elsa to name several) came as elegant maidens prompting queries from the male knights as to whether or not they needed rescuing. With the flags fluttering in the breeze and roses wafting past us, we partied to not so late as usual but, Hatshepsut Linette said, “The venue was resplendent with flags of St George around the perimeter of the dance floor, which was itself a giant flag. Fabulous idea. Unfortunately, I was not able to stay to the end, but gather all those present had a fantastic time.”

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