Saturday 1 August 2009

Meet the resident

Each issue we will grab a resident and subject them to the LOL! interrogation.

Step forward our third victim, I mean resident......

Avatar name: Aseret Quintessa

Rezzday: 3rd June 2008

Are you a student, tutor or both? Student

How long have you been with the OU? I started studying with OU in 2007

Which degree are you aiming for? I am working towards an English Literature Honours Degree
Favourite course so far: A103 An Introduction to Humanities

What brought you to Second Life? Curiosity! My youngest son has been in world for a year longer than me. He had asked me to try it but I wasn't keen. Then the mail came around from OU. I ventured in world on 3rd June 08 and according to my family I live here. I blame OU!
Favourite part of the Open Life islands: Under the sea, I love the submarine and all the interesting stuff down there.

Best memory from your time on Open Life: Meeting a lot of people I really like and DeeDee Bookmite in particular; we never stop laughing inworld and she is the best friend anyone could have.

Favourite SL place away from Open Life: I have two - Avilion - being a romantic at heart it really appeals to that side of me. Gianfar (Dragons of Pern sim) - where I spend the majority of my time. There is nowhere else like it in SL.

One piece of advice for newbies: Don't fall in love! Easily done, total disaster, don't go there ;-)

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