Saturday 1 August 2009

ABBA party

The dancing queens (and kings) were out in force for the Abba-themed party on Saturday 8th August. White was the colour to be seen in is as residents got into the spirit of the party by dressing up in Abba-style clothing. Unbeknown to everyone a resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, had donated prize money for the best-dressed avatars! First prize went to Titiana Haystack and second was Leornian Naidoo.

The backdrop for the Abba-fest was the village green where a venue had been specially built (in white of course) by Kickaha Wolfenhaut. In one corner of the venue a photoboard allowed residents to put their head onto pictures of the members of Abba which caused much amusement! For four hours residents bopped around the spacious dance floor to the tunes played by DJ Quentin Calvert before heading off - some of us still humming Abba tunes to ourselves into the early hours!

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