Wednesday 30 June 2010

Eshala's 2nd rezzday party

Four Daleks and an Engagement by Tori Landau.

Sunday 2nd May and busy with finishing articles for the previous edition of LOL! for publication on the following day I sent some inventory items to Eshala... and then noticed that her rezzday was the following day. Initially, the thought was to have a surprise party so on Sunday evening Hatshepsut distributed note cards, QC was booked, Jadis enlisted to assist with decorating and I came up with a ruse to ensure that Eshala would be on OUtopia at 8pm the following evening. Monday morning arrived and realising that it was the official May day holiday I saw an opportunity to ensure that not only could Jadis and myself decorate throughout the day but that we could contact everyone about the party and so it became a May day party with a Doctor Who theme (Eshala had suggested having a party with this theme). Decorating began around lunchtime and thanks must go to Umbra who made a delightful dalek and to DavidMike who left his TARDIS as part of the decor. Jadis managed to find posters of the Ood, Cybermen, Daleks, K-9 and made a very clever sign that could be changed from reading Happy May Day to Happy Rezzday Eshala. Along with a weeping angel doubling as the dance ball and a spinning vortex dance floor the scene was set to spring the surprise.

The party started promptly and soon there were three sentient daleks (Prash, Joie and Johnt42) ‘ex-dance-inateing’ (thanks to Johnt42 for that!), three 10th Doctors (Kester, Jon and an unidentified someone) a 5th Doctor (QC), a 4th Doctor (Jonno), a weeping angel (me) and glamorous assistants of both genders all bopping away together in peace so it could be said that OUtopia lived up to its name. The rezzday girl arrived slightly late due to changing into a cyberman but thankfully she had not been fully assimilated as her emotions showed through when the true nature of the party was revealed to her via the sign and she was presented with her rezzday cake. “I forgot it was even my rezzday so the party came as a huge, and very lovely, surprise to me”, Eshala commented when armed with my sonic screwdriver I cautiously approached her for a quote.

A sentient K-9 then appeared in the form of Rocky who decided to guard QC’s TARDIS tip jar and threatened to bite the ankles of people who didn’t tip our wonderful DJ so it wasn’t long before the total reached $1000 at which point K-9 was happy enough and went off to dream and count electric sheep no doubt. Several new students came along so it was an opportunity to teach them about the OU in Second Life and there was also discussion of the Doctor Who and Torchwood sims.

A couple dance ball was then requested which proved very popular, caused me to become human and gave Lilac the opportunity to announce her SL only engagement to Kester much to the delight of the assembled partygoers. Lilac and Kester are having their SL only wedding at Kester’s home on 3rd July but there will be a party on OUtopia on 4th July. On behalf of everyone I would like to extend my best wishes to the happy couple for their SL life together.

After that the three sentient daleks started fighting and armed with sonic screwdrivers the rest of us attacked; the result being that the daleks blew up and Breen was hit on the head by a dalek part. And so, after a very eventful evening, the party ended in true Doctor Who fashion with the daleks defeated, Breen recovering from his battle wounds and the rest of us heading back into real life once more to sleep.

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